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Posted by on Feb 19, 2016 in Blog |

Finding the Perfect Prefab Floor Plan

Finding the Right Fit

While just about any floor plan that can be built by conventional stick built means can be built using modular construction, having a house plan that is drawn up with modular building in mind will usually allow for less expensive and more efficient construction.
If you want to start designing with modular in mind, you can start with a standard home floor plan (browse our database) and make alterations from there. The changes don’t have to be small either. We’re not just talking about moving a window here or there. It is absolutely possible – and very common – to rearrange rooms, add features, or even add entire floors to a standard home plan.
A modular house plan is like a set of Legos. Sure, you can build what’s in the instructions, but you’re also free to mix and match, make changes, and create anything your heart desires.
Contact the experts in Los Angeles Modular Construction:

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